
Tuesday, September 9, 2014

You Don't Have a Fast Car

As I sit in my aunt’s cozy house-turned-to-my-home, staring up at the ceiling while sprawled out on the comfy white carpet...I can’t help but wonder what exactly it is I’m doing with my life. Don’t get me wrong, I love having the comforts of a nice house and family that will take me in when I need it most. But, somehow in the comfort of love I have a sickening impatience for finding myself and being productive. I mean, I guess that's a good thing. So, here’s to resurfacing my love for writing! My first blog post in a long while comes from the feeling of being washed up after graduating college. There’s hope, but until I find my path I’ll listen to my morning tunes and drink my cup of joe. This morning, though, I had a different experience. Have you ever heard a song that reached your heart in a can’t-stop-shivering kind of way? It’s not so often that these types of songs come around, but recently I heard Tracy Chapman’s Fast Car (wait, you just heard that now?!...I know). Something gripped my heart in a way that I can’t really describe, but I can tell you that it made me realize that as a Twenty-something-unemployed-girl...I want to feel like I belong. “and I had a feeling that I belonged, I had a feeling I could be someone.” You got that right, Tracy. I have a feeling I can be someone, but right now I just can’t seem to see through the fog that is unemployment *sigh*... “You’ve got a fast car, is it fast enough so you can fly away? You’ve gotta make a decision...leave tonight or live and die this way.” Well, I sure won’t be living this way forever... AKA with my aunt whilst wishing I had money enough to buy a car and drive myself to my wish-i-had-a-part-time gig <<since my legs aren’t fast enough to leave tonight and fly away>>. But (oh, the almighty but), “leaving tonight” didn’t work so well for me. As I shipped off to Boston to interview for a job and be near the guy I love, I realized that planning and organization is important……...okay and maybe having money first, too. Back to Minnesota in a months time, I understood the meaning of the overused term “the real world.” So, while I dream big dreams and read my romance novels, I’ll save up and wait patiently to make something of myself. To belong. So, shout out to any twenty-somethings that come across this blog and feel like our college careers were a waste because we’re unemployed. Our time will come, our niche will be found, and we’ll lead happy lives. Until then, let’s continue tipping back our hazelnut coffee, reading Nora Roberts, and dreaming the biggest of dreams. Cheers!
p.s. another shout out to my college bestie, cause she just landed her first big girl gig today! *light at the end of the dark dark DARRRRRK tunnel of job searches*

1 comment:

  1. Cheers to coffee and romance novels (in my case it is instant coffee with chai and young adult novels) until we figure out what to do with our lives. You are beautiful inside and out. Can't wait to read more!
